Sold :: Industrial/Warehouse
Wetherill Park 2164
Is this Sydney's Best IN1 Industrial site currently For Sale?
One Commercial think so!
Offered For Sale by Expressions of Interest closing 27 October 2022 at 4pm (if not sold prior).
Located on Hassall Street Wetherill Park this location is unbeatable.
9800 sqm Site Area (approx)IN1 Very rare zoning and extremely flexibleCurrently operating as a concrete plantOffered with 1 year leasebackReceive holding income while you seek planning approvalsWetherill Park is one of Sydney's highest growth areasLocated near major arterial roads M4 + M7100 metres to T-way StopMajority of site is open hardstand
Check out the link to marketing video below.
Please contact the exclusive selling agents One Commercial for further information or to arrange an inspection:
Joshua Charles
Simon Kent
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